Led Light Therapy
LED Light stimulates the skins cell structure. Red light and blue light respectively encourage the formation of collagen, assist skin repair and eliminate the bacteria responsible for the most prevalent acne conditions.
It provides a natural method of skin rejuvenation. It also promotes wound healing and accelerates the body’s own ability to repair its tissues.
The treatment is non-invasive and no direct contact is made with the skin. Client must wear protective eyewear which is provided. The Red and Blue Light wavelength exposure on the skin has no side effects.
A short course of 6 to 8 treatments is recommended to achieve desired results.
Blue Diode Light
BLUE LIGHT Acne therapy neutralises the bacteria by creating a photodynamic effect on the bacteria. With the reduction in bacteria the inflammation and Acne will subside. The BLUE LIGHT is utilised to effectively treat acne by inhibiting the P.Acne bacteria responsible for the inflammation in active acne conditions.
To treat Acne vulgaris use the BLUE LIGHT twice a week for at least 4 weeks. The RED and BLUE may also be used in alternate in some cases.
Red Diode Light
The RED LIGHT wavelength is deeply penetrating and proven effective in stimulating collagen renewal and generally improving skin tone. It can pass through tissue up to 1 inch deep. It "kick-starts" the cells into immediately creating more cellular energy and increasing DNA and RNA activity.
The RED LIGHT penetrates tissue because they are not blocked by blood or water. Visible and infrared light does NOT travel through bone.
It has many benefits in wound healing and is valuable as a combination therapy with Microdermabrasion and IPL treatments or as a stand alone facial rejuvenation treatment.
Light Therapy Advantages:
Provides an effective treatment option for active acne
Helps skin hydration - ideal for Eczema sufferers
Reduces acne scarring and heals blemishes
Improves skin tone and texture
Helps sun damaged skin
Improves irregular pigmentation
Promotes and maintains an overall healthier skin tone
Promotes wound healing
It is safe as it does not involve heat
There is no down time
Call us to book an appointment on 07943 550707
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